Welcome to Hosanna Korean Church
기쁨과 소망이 넘치는 호산나 한인교회


주일예배(Sunday Worship)

Join us for a powerful worship experience every Sunday morning, as we come together to praise and glorify God through music, prayer, and scripture.

성경공부(Bible Study Groups)

Connect with fellow believers and dive deeper into the Word of God through our small group Bible studies. Explore and grow in your faith in a supportive community.

생명의 삶 QT

Participate in our weekly prayer meetings, where we come together to lift up our joys, concerns, and requests to God in a spirit of unity and compassion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time are the Sunday worship services? 주일 예배시간 11:00AM

Our Sunday worship services start at 11:00 AM and typically last for about an hour and a half.
11시부터 성경공부하고 12시에 교회에서 푸짐한 성찬을 먹고
오후 1시부터 찬양과 함께 풍성한 은혜의 예배를 드립니다.

Are there programs for children and youth?

Yes, we offer engaging and interactive programs for children and youth during our Sunday worship services, as well as specific events and activities throughout the week.
Child Care 제공하며
청년부는 깊이있고 은혜로운 성경공부와 찬양, 풍성하고 은혜로운 예배를 드립니다.

How can I get involved in serving at the church?

We have various opportunities for you to serve and get involved, including volunteering with our children's ministry, music team, hospitality team, and more. Speak to one of our church leaders to find the best fit for you.
언제든지 연락주시거나 가든그로브에 있는 오렌지카페를 방문하시면 예수님의 이름으로 환영합니다.

“I have been attending Hosanna Korean Church for years and it has truly become my second home. The warm and welcoming atmosphere, paired with the inspiring sermons, have enriched my spiritual journey and brought me closer to God.”

Contact us

Reach out to us with any questions or prayer requests. We are here to support and pray for you on your spiritual journey.


Hosanna Korean church 호산나 한인 교회

9436 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844

About us

At Hosanna Korean Church, we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where individuals and families can come to experience the love of God and grow in their faith. Our passionate and dedicated community is here to support and guide you on your spiritual journey.